+7 (8152) 477-177
Murmansk, Russia
24h Reception

Hunting for the Northern Lights

Our guests – Gastromaprussia

We were visited the!

“Thanks a lot to our partners of @auroravillage.murmansk (Teriberka) and brand chief of Imperial Hunting restaurant of @kozeikosveta (Murmansk)! Salmon, cod fish soup (Barents the seas), bull-trouts (Lovozero) with cowberry, welded on a fire. A basis of dishes of local cuisine in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation – seafood, fish. The polar lights and fatty acids an omega-3 – we go for you this December in Murmansk region again!”

#murmantourism #gastromaprussia #madeinarctic #сделановарктике #гастрономическаякартароссии #териберка #teriberka foto by @gastromaprussia @olegzhirov Partner of a mobile photographic studio of @gastromaprussia @profotorus #profotorussia”

Published on: December 3, 2018  -  Filed under: News

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