Большой плюс - Глемпинг находится вдали от города и вам не помешают высотки наблюдать чудо природы. Стеклянные купольные домики расположены будто бы на сцене , поднятой над землей. Внутри в них очень тепло и уютно : пол подогревается, есть батареи и собственная печка, которую для «романтик» можно растопить дровами, в туалетной комнате все как в отеле - душевая кабина, раковина и унитаз. Дом рассчитан на компанию из четырёх человек ( думаю, при желании, можно и расширить количество мест).К услугам гостей можно взять разные опции - завтрак «в постель», ужин , обряд шаманов, купание в купели с горячей водой...
Ежедневно из отеля Аврора отправляются разные экскурсии : Териберка, Мурманск, деревня шаманов... - скучать вам не придётся.Но самое ценное - северное сияние. Мы же с дочкой увидели только первые «залпы», радостные прилегли на секундочку... и счастливо уснули. Теперь видим фото друзей, завидуем и мечтаем вернуться туда снова, чтобы обязательно его «поймать».

Не успели глэмпинги объявить главной надеждой бескрайних российских дестинаций, как я как раз сегодня проснулась в одном из них. И кажется мне, это вряд ли намного дешевле создания отеля. Например, здесь, в Aurora Village на Кольском полуострове не только привычные кровати и душ, но и теплые полы, например. При этом стеклянные стена и потолок позволяют действительно спать буквально под открытым звездным небом и северным сиянием. И даже его сфотографировать.Представляю, какие ощущения здесь в ясную зимнюю ночь!

We stayed at Aurora Village for 4 days and a half in summer for a glamping adventure. The domes are extremely cosy and warm with floor heating when the temperatures drop at night and there's even a stove with wood if you are chilly. Everything inside is convenient : a large bathroom with excellent shower, a table and chairs. If you are a family, there's a mezzanine upstairs with more beds. It is a great spot to get a beautiful view over the lake.
On the glamping site, there's a café which is soon to open (it will be a fantastic place for sunsets over the lake!). You also have the possibility to bring your own food to cook on the bbq (chachliks are a traditional activity for Russian people). And there's also a Japanese jacuzzi if you feel like a warm relaxing time. If, like I am, you are more of a cold bath person, a swim in the lake is also a great refreshing activity that I recommend (for a few minutes if you don't want to end up frozen:-)). You can also easily go for a hike in the tundra around the lake. Russian people pick berries and mushrooms there at that time of the year so as the saying goes : do as the locals do! If you walk towards the left hand-side of the beach, you will end up in a pretty picturesque village on the shore of the lake. Only locals and datchas there, but it's worth it especially around 4 or 5 pm for photos when the lights turn golden. Talking about golden, we saw the midnight sun while we were there ! An incredible moment !
Aurora Village also organises day tours. We took one to Teriberka which I strongly recommend as well. Indeed, we ended up on the north-western coast of Russia on the shores of the Barents sea which was a total escape for foreigners like us ! We saw the wide and wild tundra, the one you read about in adventure novels when you are young, magnificent lakes and, of course, the old fishermen's village called Teriberka. Further
away on the other side of the
village, we took some pics at the
ghostly but very photogenic ship
cemetery : a great place for your
instagram account 😉 and then, we
went to Dragon eggs beach (wow !
THAT is a spot !) And to a wild
I'd like to thank Oleg and his staff for making our week at Aurora village a great time. We were stuck in Russia because of covid 19 and couldn't see our family in France which we haven't seen for a year so we really appreciated their warm
welcome, their disponibility and efficiency.

Imagine, you are lying so warm, on a good bed, and your gaze falls on the stars and yes, the northern lights! This is what you can experience in Aurora Village! We were very lucky, we saw the FIRST northern lights of the season on one of the nights that I stayed at the hotel. So, Aurora is kind of our talisman of luck And I also want to say a little about the service with which we so frankly sucks in Russia ... One night we went into the forest to make a spoon from a dry tree. Well, we wanted to, we are tourists and we didn't want to eat from an ordinary spoon. And Aurora's staff found out, knocked on our house and brought spoons! We laughed very nicely, said "thank you very much, but we deliberately went to make a spoon ourselves, out of wood, and not because we do not have it" 🤣This is how the service should be🙌

A big advantage - Glamping is located far from the city and you will not be prevented from skyscraper watching the miracle of nature. Glass domed houses are supposedly located on a stage raised above the ground. Inside, it is very warm and cozy: the floor is heated, there are batteries and an own stove, which for “romance” can be melted with wood, in the toilet room everything is like in a hotel - a shower cabin, a washbasin and a toilet bowl. The house is designed for a company of four people (I think, if desired, you can expand the number of places). It offers guests various options - breakfast "in bed", dinner, a ceremony of shamans, swimming in a font with hot water ...
Every day various excursions are sent from the Aurora Hotel: Teriberka, Murmansk, the village of shamans ... - you will not have to be bored. But the most valuable thing is the northern lights. My daughter and I saw only the first "volleys", joyful lay down for a second ... and happily fell asleep. Now we see photos of friends, we envy and dream of returning there again, in order to “catch” the Northern Lights.

On the way from Teriberka, we stopped at the most unusual hotel, with houses in the form of glass domes. For dinner, our chef Alexander Zakharov prepared a delicious BBQ dinner! Branded chicken and an hour ago cod caught in the Barents Sea ... This is something ... Fabulous round alien houses. They are small, but inside there is everything you need: warm floor, stove, bathroom with shower and toilet, warm blankets, deer skins and bed linen with husks)
Many tourists visit this place in winter, now we also dream of coming to admire the northern lights, but I want to say that in summer it has its own callorite and charm.
Many thanks to all the staff for the warm and very friendly welcome! Now we are waiting for winter and we will definitely come here for a new portion of positive and unforgettable emotions !!

Одним из лучших мест, где можно наблюдать северное сияние, является открытое пространство вдали от города. Как пример интересного отеля, куда устремляются взгляды "ловцов северного сияния", можно назвать гостиничный комплекс "Aurora Village". Он состоит из десяти купольных домиков с панорамными окнами, где созданы все комфортные условия (душ, туалет, полы с подогревом и стеклянная крыша дома, через которую вы сможете любоваться звездным небом и северным сиянием), гости комплекса могут попробовать блюда арктической кухни в большом купольном Aurora кафе, воспользоваться услугами хаски-парка и окунуться в японской купели офуро. Еще один плюс — отель расположен по пути в Териберку. Ссылка на статью: https://1prime.ru/business/20190926/830355439.html

... For example, here, in Aurora Village on the Kola Peninsula, not only familiar beds and showers, but also warm floors, for example.
At the same time, the glass wall and ceiling allow you to really sleep literally under the open starry sky and the northern lights. And even take a picture of him. Imagine the feeling here on a clear winter night!

One of the best places to see the northern lights is the open space away from the city. As an example of an interesting hotel, where the eyes of the "Northern Lights catchers" rush, we can name the hotel complex "Aurora Village". It consists of ten domed houses with panoramic windows, where all comfortable conditions are created (shower, toilet, heated floors and a glass roof of the house through which you can enjoy the starry sky and the northern lights). Guests of the complex can taste the dishes of Arctic cuisine in the large domed Aurora cafe, use the services of a husky park and plunge into the Japanese font ofuro. Another plus - the hotel is located on the way to Teriberka. Link to the article: https://1prime.ru/business/20190926/830355439.html

“... Make a stop at Aurora Village Hotel - hemispheres with a partially glass ceiling through which you can watch the northern lights without getting out from under the covers. The hotel is located about 50 km from Murmansk, on the shores of Lake Kanentyavr. Modern igloos with good interiors are suitable for living at any time of the year. There is a well-thought-out heating system, warm floors, there is a shower cabin. Just do not forget to throw a bathrobe out of the shower - half the dome is still glass. The rooms are designed for four guests (two places in the attic). The cost of living in the shining season is from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. per day. As a bonus, get an outdoor jacuzzi, from which you absolutely do not want to get out of the cold ... " From the article “What to see in the Murmansk region” in the RBC newspaper https://style.rbc.ru/impressions/5d8353e49a794733839f340d