+7 (8152) 477-177
Murmansk, Russia
24h Reception

Hunting for the Northern Lights

Scandinavian neighbors about Aurora Village

Norwegian media – (Aftenposten) visited Aurora Village Murmansk, and this is what our Scandinavian neighbors write:

“Everyone says that China is looking at the High North. But this Arctic capital (Murmansk) has already been invaded by the Chinese.

The Chinese are very prominent in the north of Russia. Most notable are many tourists like Lin Yong. China is also investing heavily in the oil and gas sector, construction and shipping in the Arctic capital. Exports and imports between the two countries have doubled over the past ten years.

Winnie Woo shows with his hand in the cloudy arctic night sky. She shivers at -5 ° C in anticipation of the Northern Lights … ”

«Аlle snakker om at Kina ser mot nordområdene. Men i denne arktiske hovedstaden er kineserne allerede på plass.

Kineserne er tungt inne nord i Russland. Mest synlig er de mange turistene, som Lin Yong (bildet). Kina satser også tungt på olje og gass-sektoren, entreprenørvirksomhet og shipping i den arktiske hovedstaden. Eksport og import mellom de to landene har doblet seg de siste ti årene. Dan P. Neegaard

Winnie Woo peker med en rosa boblekledd arm mot den skytunge, arktiske nattehimmelen.

Hun hutrer i fem kuldegrader mens hun speider etter «det grønne gullet».


#auroravillage #visitmurmansk
#murmansk #kola #norway #suomi #Finland
#kirkenes #arctic #russland #russia #nord #kolaarctic

Published on: August 16, 2020  -  Filed under: News

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