+7 (8152) 477-177
Murmansk, Russia
24h Reception

Hunting for the Northern Lights

Holidays with children in Aurora Village

Is it really warm in Igloo? Is there hot water? Where can food be reheated? Are baby food provided?

We often receive such questions from those who are planning a trip with babies. And rightly so! Comfort and safety come first here ‍

Photo from @natasha_from_rasha

We answer all questions:
All Igloos are warm – double windows and heating. Comfortable temperature just like at home. And Igloo Comfort has insulated floors.
Full bath – with sink, shower, toilet, towels, hot and cold water
All Igloos have soft beds, a table, chairs.
You can order meals, where there is a Children’s menu (see current ones). Meals must be ordered in advance 2-3 before arrival or when booking Igloo on the website.

There is no kettle or microwave in Igloo.
The cafe has a refrigerator, microwave oven, thermo pod in general access. The cafe is close to the houses.
At the first request, our manager will bring a thermos with hot water to Igloo, where you can brew tea.

And the whole territory of the hotel is a large field for games and exploration:

Ride scooters, play snowballs, tumble in the snow
And older kids just love the second floor of the Igloo.


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Published on: December 26, 2021  -  Filed under: News

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