The hot tub is the highlight of your holiday. And most importantly, it is available both in summer and winter.
Well, imagine … lying in hot water under the open sky, among the snow and silence, and above you the starry sky or even better – the Northern Lights!
And if you go during the day, you can catch a pink-blue sunset on the polar night.
In summer, taking a bath is no less pleasant 🌱
🧐But here’s something to remember:
✔️We do not reserve the hot tub in advance, as weather conditions may not always meet expectations.
But upon arrival at Aurora Village, you can contact the staff, reserve and pay for the use of the plunge pool.
✔️The cost will be 6000 rubles for 2 hours of use.
✔️Kupel takes 5-6 hours
Everything about the services on site AURORA VIILAGE
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